Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9, 2012

Its a dogz life!
Due to a lack of 'The Perfect Photo' the PM (People-Mommy) has not allowed me to post anything here for ages!  Believe me, she tries, but we have invented this game:
Whenever we see the camera pointed at us we start running wildly or start a rough & tumble.
Poor thing,  perhaps she deserves better, because as you can see she lovingly cares for us.
This month I will be 10 months old, while my Lady Lulu will be 8 months.
We are very good friends and inseparable - even old Muffin loves us to bits.

(The old dog lost one of her protruding fangs the other day & she sure looks funny, but Lulu and I try our best not to make fun of her. The PM certainly won't approve!)
The PM seems to be getting rather worried about us & I have heard her talk about having to put  a 'Belly Belt' on me - perhaps it is to stop me from getting too cold?  *doggy-grin*
I have also noticed that she does not refer to us as puppies anymore,
although there is always a fair amount of baby-talk when she tucks us in for the night.